Currently our software can not directly transfer WhatsApp chats for Android phones with WhatsApp Messenger pre-installed. If your phone has WhatsApp Messenger pre-installed, please check the following solutions:
Transfer chat history to Android Phone
If you want to transfer WhatsApp chat history to an Android phone with WhatsApp Messenger pre-installed, please simply follow this tutorial:
How to convert whatsapp history to a crypt file?
Note: Please make sure you don't have any new whatsapp message on your android phone or you don't care losing these new messages.
Backup, Restore or Transfer chat history from Android Phone
If you want to backup WhatsApp from Android, restore WhatsApp to Android or transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone/another Android, please try one of the following options:
Option 1: If you don't have any other Android Phone, please follow this tutorial:
How to Backup, Restore or Transfer WhatsApp Data on Android?
Option 2: If you have another Android phone without WhatsApp Messenger pre-installed. Then follow these steps:
Step 1: Disconnect WhatsApp from Google Drive Backup.
1) Go to on your computer.
2) Click "My Drive"->"Settings"-> "Manage Apps".
3) Choose "WhatsApp Messenger", click "Options"->"Disconnect from Drive".
Note:If you have a large backup on drive, it may take a few minutes to display WhatsApp Messenger in Apps list.
Step 2: Backup WhatsApp Conversations on Android Phone
1) Go to WhatsApp > [Menu Button] > Settings > Chat Settings
2) Tap [Backup Conversations]
Step 3: Move the WhatsApp folder from your Android Phone Storage to another Android phone without WhatsApp Messenger pre-installed Phone Storage.
Note: If you already have a WhatsApp folder on your another Android phone without WhatsApp Messenger pre-installed, please remove or rename it first.
Step 4: Install WhatsApp Messenger on your another Android phone without WhatsApp Messenger pre-installed. And then verify with your phone number. Then you can choose to restore messages from the crypt file on Phone Storage. Check the following details:
Step 5: Now connect your another Android phone without WhatsApp Messenger pre-installed to Backuptrans software via USB. Then the software can load messages from your phone into Backuptrans local database.
If you have any further question, please contact us at
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